Professor IB 60
for Ib Bygbjerg
Bewildering as the situation may have been, communicationwise
the scenarios can be even more confounding. As Italian semiotician
and author Umberto Eco (1999) points out our worst enemy, when
faced with something we have not seen before, may be our own
interpretation, our preconceived notions of the world, derived
from our cultural tradition. Eco illustrates this with the story
of Marco Polo's encounter with unicorns on his way back from China
in Java. Even though the animals with horn on their muzzles did
not live up to his expectations of the horselike unicorn by being
black instead of white, with pelts closer to that of a buffalo,
hooves as big as elephants, tongues spiky and heads looking like
boars, Marco Polo believed he had seen unicorns. Though, his
conclusion was that unicorns were not the gentle beast people
believed them to be. Marco Polo was not a learned man, but he grew
up in a tradition, where people knew that such a thing as a
unicorn existed, even though no one had actually sighted the
elusive entity. When he did see a creature with horn on its
muzzle, his background books, as Eco phrases it,
influenced him to refer his discovery to what he already knew,
instead of saying he had found an animal hitherto undescribed.
Falling victim to one's background books is so easy that it
probably should be seen as a human precondition, because our
background books are indispensable in trying to navigate in a
complex world and in giving us perspective (which, depending on
the context, is also known as prejudice). For practical
reasons we simply cannot question everything nor reinvent the
world anew every morning, but have to rely on a framework through
which we can analyse and evaluate what we see. The inherent rub is
barely noticeable as long as the framework in question is kept up
to date; or our preconceptions are not challenged by new
To develop this let us essay that there are public background
books that influence public opinion and politics. It does
not take much observation to notice some divergence between the
content of the public background books and an ever ongoing
generation of new scientific knowledge and insight. The field of
public health offers many examples.
When AIDS was first was recognised in California in 1981 (WMMR
1981), an important common denominator in identifying the cases
was that the patients were gay men. The initial report was soon
followed by others (see e.g. Friedman-Kien 1981) that all
described cases among previously healthy gay men. No wonder that
the background books soon had it that it was a disease solely
afflicting gay men. Since gay men in many ways are at odds with
mainstream society, this perception of the new disease as a gay
phenomenon could be seen as a pretense for many governments for
not feeling compelled to act as if they were facing a public
health crisis. The background books had such a consensual impact
that a critical public opinion did not find much reason to
challenge the reading. Not even when new patients showed that not
only did the new disease have no sexual preference, but that the
routes of transmission also could be blood borne and not solely
sexual, were the background books revised. To make matter worse:
the same basic mistakes in handling the disease were made over
and over again in different settings.
The relationship between the background books and the discipline
of International Health contains a certain amount of knottiness.
Firstly, there is the issue of the name, because as some may
remember it used to be called Tropical Medicine and according to
the background books, which these days also can be found on the
Internet, e.g., the short version is that
»tropical medicine is the study, diagnosis, treatment, and
prevention of certain diseases prevalent in the tropics«,
i.e. tropical medicine deals with infectious diseases. Secondly,
although a rationale behind the change of name may be
understandable in terms of a wish to embrace not only the health
of the tropics but also of low-income countries, the tropical
pedigree makes it arduous for international health as a concept.
As for a simple, straightforward definition a search for international
health at again results in a
headline that states »Health & Nutrition Systems Int'l,
Inc.« and a question: »did you mean: international
(organization), The INTERNATIONAL, International Shoe Co. v.
Washington (Legal Case), International (New Order album),
International (passenger train) more...« It should be noted
though that the page tells that international health is
mentioned in among others a linked article about the University of
Copenhagen Faculty of Health Sciences. Following the link
can tell that »The Faculty produces graduates in medicine,
dentistry, and human biology. In addition, the Faculty offers a
Master's degree in Public Health, Bachelor's and further
degrees in Public Health in addition to a Master's degree
in International Health« (my emphasis). End of digression,
but it goes to show that since a clear definition does not spring
easily to mind, not even among practitioners of the discipline,
it may be hard to blame the background books for equating
International Health with infectious diseases. Which is not
untrue: International Health does indeed deal with infectious
diseases - among other many matters.
So thirdly, there is the issue of exclusion/inclusion of these
others matters. It is mind-boggling to compare the publishing
date of Abdel R. Omran’s paradigm-shifting paper on epidemiologic
transition (1971) and it’s impact - or rather lack thereof - on
the background books. Omran argues that the developed countries
has already seen demographic and technologic transitions
parallelled with an epidemiologic transition in which degenerative
and man-made diseases displace pandemics of infection as the
primary causes for morbidity and mortality, and that the
less-developed countries will belatedly go through the same
process. Omran outlined three ages that constitutes the
1) The Age of Pestilence and Famine where mortality is
high and fluctuating and life expectancy at birth is 20-40 years;
2) The Age of Receding Pandemics where mortality declines
progressively and life expectancy at birth increases to 30-50
years; and
3) The Age of Degenerative and Man-made Diseases when
mortality continues to decline and eventually approaches
stability at a relatively low level and life expectancy at birth
eventually exceeds 50 years.
Later LaPorte et al. (1996) elaborated on Omran’s theory stating
that a decline in the occurrence of infectious diseases leads to
an unmasking of noncommunicable diseases as people live
longer. They can even discern systematic patterns in the
emergence of chronic diseases: as economic development is
associated with a roll back in both incidence and prevalence of
infectious diseases, the increased activity and energy
consumption accompanying economic development first results in
more injuries; economic development also improves socioeconomic
status, which could lead to changes in living and working patterns
with less physical activity and less physical labour and higher
consumption of tobacco, alcohol and processed or fast food, thus
beginning to unmask type 2 diabetes; about five years later
coronary heart diseases is making it’s entry into the mortality
records; and finally after a latency of two or three decades
cancers make their mark.
Looking at a country like Denmark through the specs of Omran and
LaPorte et. al is probably congruent with most background books.
Yet, applying it to low and middle income countries is quite a
different matter. While still being valid, Omran’s essay is also
in some respects a child of it’s time: in 1971 one need not feel
embarrassed for believing in a Pax Antibiotica; 1971 was
years before HIV/AIDS and the emergence and reemergence of
infectious diseases. Also, global patterns of health and disease
are more complex than what can be presented in a model. Many of
the unmasking signs are evident in low and middle income
countries, but progress on diminishing the impact of infectious
diseases has not been as successful as anticipated, and not just
because of HIV/AIDS. The fact of the matter is that many of the
low and middle income countries fights on two health-fronts
simultaneously: Against the old infectious diseases and
against the new degenerative and Man-made diseases. Also
known as The Double Burden of Disease.
The concept of the double burden of disease represents a true
communication challenge, simply because it is not in the
vocabulary of the background books. When referring to reports
from clinics in poor neighbourhoods in Dar es Salaam or Madras of
patients with symptoms of type 2 diabetes (if one knows what to
look for) waiting to see a doctor, the initial reaction outside
of the International Health community is one of disbelief: these
must somehow be exceptional cases, for type 2 diabetes is a life
style affliction, which they cannot have in the Third world.
Which, Ib, brings us back to a question you posed and I have
attempted to answer: how do we make people understand the
full perspective of International Health? I am afraid I do not
have the answer in terms of a magic bullet, only that
communication is not an end but a means and it takes an effort,
as so many others health interventions. As for the background
books, they for sure could do with some updating.
Buzan, Barry, Wæver, Ole & de Wilde, Jaap 1998.
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Eco, Umberto. 1999. From Marco Polo to Leibniz. Stories of
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Friedman-Kien, AE. 1981. Disseminated Kaposi's sarcoma syndrome
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LaPorte, Ronald E., Barinas, Emma, Chang,Yue-Fang & Libman,
Ingrid. 1996. Global Epidemiology and Public Health in the 21st
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Lund, Anker Brink. 1997. Smitsomme sygdomme i dansk
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Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 1981. Pneumocystis
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Ndebele, Paul. 2003. African thoughts and perspectives on
research ethics: Identifying some central problem areas. Paper
prepared for the Seminar on Ethics and Health Research in
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Obstacles and Challenges, 10 November 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark
Omran, Abdel R. 1971 (2001). The Epidemiologic Transition. A
Theory of the Epidemiology of Population Change. The Milbank
Memorial Fund Quarterly. 49(4); 509-538. (Reprinted in Bulletin
of the World Health Organization. 79 (2); 161-170)